
«As the Crow Flies» is on show
16/06/22 «As the Crow Flies» is on Show at ConciergeGalerie in Bern. The shortest path between two points on level ground, in two-dimensional space, is a straight line. We know it as linear distance or — as Charles Dickens calls it in his novel Oliver Twist — «as the crow flies.» If we look at how this line appears on a body surface, that is, in three-dimensional space, it is no longer straight but, depending on the body, either curved or jagged, or both. Such a line is called a geodesic, a geodesic line or a geodesic path. With friendly support of: Kultur Stadt Bern I SWISS-LOS/Kultur Kanton Bern I Burgergemeinde Bern. Many Thanks to @theprimadonnaproject @schwanderbenjamin @conciergegalerie @closeknitstudio
Location: ConciergeGalerie in Bern, Nydeggstalden 7, 3011 Bern-CH
23 June – 21 July, 2022

«Courant Normal» – The Artistic Selfie
26/04/22 Young people from Nidau show how to deal with the selfie in an authentic way Showing themselves from diverse and unusual perspectives has become something very common for the students of the 8th grade of the Balainen Nidau school. Now they are showing an excerpt of their artistic work in an exhibition at OHHO Biel. The project Courant Normal - initiated by Ruben Wyttenbach and Benjamin Sunarjo in cooperation with the PEP - aims to shed new light on the handling of the «Self Portrait» in a playful and artistic way. In doing so, the young people are made aware of dealing with social media and encouraged to critically question the beauty norms conveyed therein. In this way, the young people develop an approach to the self and their own identity. «Courant Normal» was selected as part of the tête-à-tête competition of the Cultural Promotion of the Canton of Bern in cooperation with the Stanley Thomas Johnson Foundation. The innovation project is supported by Health Promotion Switzerland and the City of Nidau.
Courant Normal Website
Location: OHHO Biel/Bienne
29 April, 2022
17:00 – 20:00

Invitation Near Crit Groupe
30/08/21 crit group #3 in Bern – with Andrea Gohl und Maren Polte Thursday 30 September 2021 (in german). For the third edition of the Crit Group near. is proposing two experts simultaneously: Andrea Gohl, Artist, photographer, teacher and Head of Studies (MA Contemporary Arts Practice, HKB) and Maren Polte, lecturer and Head of Studies (BA and MA Art Education HKB). You will be discussing your work to an interesting double vision from the theoretical and practical approach to contemporary photography. near. Crit Groups aim to present and discuss your “work in progress”. In a small group - accompanied by the experts and by your peers - you present, exchange, discuss over all projects during a whole day. With the feedback from each photographer and from our invited guests, you can sharpen and advance the process of the photo series you are working on. The whole group participates to the whole day of discussions, each participant has 45min-one hour at disposal for presentation and feedbacks of his/her project. Registrations are only open from: August 30 from 9am ending Sept 3 at 8pm (first come first served). Application: Write an email to We will get in touch with you as soon as the registrations close, you will be given the list of participants as well as additional information for the payement. Organisation near. member Ruben Wyttenbach and the near. committee
Location: HKB Bern
30 September, 2021

Everything is under no Control
11/09/20 Photographic practice can be seen as a collection of accidents, sometimes offering pearls of «random creativity» or attempts to tame reality. Whether we cultivate it or try to get rid of it, photography is in essence chance. As technologies become more sophisticated, as smartphones deliver crisp, well-exposed and smooth images, as deepfakes are more and more elaborated, as algorithms spy on our online lives… the concept of chance is quite upset. However, life is nonetheless a succession of unexpected events where elements continue to escape our control. Photography has not yet had its last word – everything is under no control – and photographers, masters of hazard, cultivate the unexpected which remains an important axis of reflection and refraction. Attached to the celebration of reality, the photographers of 13 Photo seize on chance and offer a photographic projection accompanied by music by percussionist Julian Sartorius at the Le National restaurant in Vevey on September 11 from 9.15 pm to 10 pm. 13 Photo represents more than 50 photographers and has become the leading photography agency in Switzerland. Its members are seasoned creatives, practicing both portrait and reportage, active in the world of media and communication. The hole projection can be watched here:
Location: Restaurant le National Vevey
11 September, 2020

13Photo Print Sale 01
01/06/20 Wir freuen uns sehr, euch ein neues Projekt von 13 Photo vorstellen zu dürfen. Am Montag, 1. Juni starten wir unseren Print Sale! 50 Fotograf*Innen, 50 Prints, ein Format, einen Monat erhältlich. Das bedeutet, dass ihr euch ab dem Pfingstmontag bis zum 30. Juni wunderbare Bilder der 13 Photo Fotograf*Innen als Print nach Hause bestellen könnt.
Location: Online Auction
1 June – 1 July, 2020

Hier einschlagen
11/05/19 «Jahresausstellung 2019» MA Contemporary Arts Practice CAP. University of the Arts Bern, (CH). Performances starts from 08:00pm
Location: Cap Forum A. Schwabstrasse 10. Bern (CH)
22 May – 25 May, 2019

Etwas ist nicht wie ich es mir vorstelle
20/05/18 «Jahresausstellung 2018» MA Contemporary Arts Practice CAP. University of the Arts Bern, (CH). Performances starts from 08:00pm
Location: Cap Forum A. Schwabstrasse 10. Bern (CH)
19:00 – 23:00

Strand am Berg Book Launch
12/05/17 Washed up, getting stuck, driven away to Strand am Berg. I have been photographing this busy place ever since the beginning of Heitere Fahne three years ago. The result is an illustrated book with texts, from and about Heitere Fahne. Published by Sturm&Drang Verlag, Zürich. I would be pleased to welcome you at the book launch at Heitere Fahne. Doors 4pm | Refreshments 6pm | Private View 7pm | Roast piglet and Chips | Concert Clochard Deluxe. 9.30pm
Location: Heitere Fahne, Wabern Bern (CH)
12 May, 2017

13Photo Print Sale 03
19/11/21 We proudly announce our third Print Sale in cooperation with WEISSGRAD EDITION. WEISSGRAD EDITION is a digital gallery for selected photo art by professional Swiss photographers. It was created for people who love printed images in the best quality. They makes art accessible at fair prices - with a passion for craftsmanship and beauty. Starting on November 19th, 51 13 Photo photographers present and sell their images on the newly launched Weissgrad Edition. We are so happy about this collaboration and hope you love our image selection as much as we do! Keep print alive!
Location: Online Auction
19 November – 19 December, 2021

13Photo Print Sale 02
01/11/20 Vom 1. bis 30. November könnt ihr euch zum zweiten Mal wunderbare Bilder der 13 Photo Fotograf*innen als Print nach Hause bestellen. 50 Fotograf*innen 50 Prints !NEU! 2 Grössen 1 Monat lang Gedruckt wird von den Experten bei Tricolor in Adliswil. Der Print Sale startet am 1. November um Mitternacht. Wir freuen uns! Euer 13 Photo Team
Location: Online Auction
1 November – 30 November, 2020

Cap Common Ground
10/06/20 Due to resent events: I'm very happy to announce our «Common Ground – CAP Diploma Festival 2020». Join us online! Ma Contemporary Arts Practice. University of the Arts Bern, (CH)
Location: Online Festival
18 June – 23 June, 2022
18:00 – 23:59

Verzasca Foto
05/08/19 I'm happy to announce, that one of my photographs is presented at Verzasca Foto Festival - edition VI in Sonogno.
Location: Sonogno Valle Verzasca, Switzerland
5 September – 8 September, 2019

Invitation Exhibition Junkere 11
01/03/19 I'm excited that my Photograph «UNTITLED NO. 12», 2019, of my new work «As the Crow Flies», will be presented at Junkere 11 in Bern. Fotografie, Ink Jet 100x80 cm.
Location: Junkere 11
1 April – 30 June, 2019
16:00 – 18:00

Wasser für Wasser
30/11/17 27 photographers from the 13 Photo Agency will be auctioning pictures devoted to water. The online auction include one of my pictures, No. 25, “Fang aus dem Totensee,” 37x28 cm, walnut frame, starting bid CHF 200.00 Proceeds will go to Water for Water. The Lucerne-based organisation supports sustainable access to drinking water and promotes the drinking of tap water with various innovative solutions.
Location: Clup Zukunft CH- Zürich
18:00 – 21:00